Saturday, April 05, 2014

E for.. Elizabeth, Enlightenment & Elixir!

Elizabeth. Like the Queen. Like the elegant yet shrewd yet unimaginably awe-inspiring person that comes to mind. Wow. She's got "gumption".

This scene from this movie. This was Enlightenment. It was just beautiful. Its helped me realize a lot of things. And yes, I most definitely am, the leading lady of my own life, however cheesy that may sound.

The elixir for my life is Music. It makes me feel alive. Like everything matters and nothing matters at the same time. Like this song..

Gives me goosebumps whenever I hear it. Makes me feel sublime and volatile. Its awesome.. Do you really want to live forever?

Friday, April 04, 2014

D for.. Don, Derek & Damon!

This post is dedicated to these three absolutely gorgeous men with screen names starting with 'D'! Hotness!!

Tell me which one you like?

Thursday, April 03, 2014

C for.. Colour, Creation & Character!

Can you imagine life without colour? What if we lived in monotone? What if the only shades that we had in our life were black and white? What if the only variation that we would ever see in anything was grey? The beautiful candid photographs on facebook and twitter, ones that you wish you would have taken or wish you would have been a part of (yes, I'm a narcissist. Self-proclaimed one too), what if life was stuck in that frame? What if God and Mother Nature had a fight and she would have been like- Yo, you too demanding! No colour for you. In my head, I just imagined Sofia as Mother Nature speaking latino-english hence the grammar.

Talking about colours, I love them. The Reds, the Blues, the Yellows, the Greens, the whole lot. I sometimes read about the lovely names of different shades of these colours. Its quite amusing and I'm quite weird like that. Also, sometimes, I just don't feel like working. Anyway, my favorite colour varies from red to blue and then to red and back again to blue. And then Lavender. I loooooove lavender. How can anyone not love lavender?
But then can you really have a constant favorite colour? I mean, seriously, every time somebody asks me that question (yea, I know, if your are wondering who asks me this question so often, well, its mostly my little cousin-in-laws and myself. Mostly.), I always have a  new answer. Okay, this is really a very random arc that this post has taken, one which I had not intended.

 Anyway, moving on, do you know about that feeling, when while driving through a long highway (and by driving I mean, sitting on the passenger seat and enjoying the view ), suddenly there comes a patch of flowers in the middle of the greenery, making you smile. I love that kind of landscaping. Especially when it grows naturally at the side of the road or any structure. The way nature finds it way through the concrete jungle.

I have what is called a "brown" skin. That's my colour. They say, people from other countries differentiate other people calling them, white / yellow/ black/ brown. I haven't had any such experience during my visits abroad but what I have faced, is discrimination and ridicule in my own country over the shade of "brown" that I am. Its quite ok now but it really wasn't when I was growing up. Sigh. Its funny how easy it is to concentrate on the very very less important things in life.

Anyhow, that's that. See you later people!

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

B for.. Blogger, Bad, Bonding!

I joined Blogger in 2006. Eight years. Wow. Unbelievable. Blogging came as a gift to me, a way to vent out, a way to celebrate, a way to describe every-days events, the good and the bad, it helped me understand my feeling more, helped me understand myself better. I wish Blogger was a person so that I could hug him and tell him how much he meant to me and how he changed my life. But I'm glad its not because I'm not sure how much husband would react if I did that right now. I presume he will not be happy about it. And I may or may not derive sadistic pleasure out of the whole situation. I'm a sad person. :P

So my day was super bad today due to inexplicable reasons. But at the very end I decided to turn it around and I did. Wow. I'm like becoming all mature and stuff. If only my mom and husband acknowledged and accepted that. Sigh. I don't see that happening anytime soon. Both these people are my very own personal critics who love to give me a taste of what they think I should have done/said at any given situation. But still I love them. I told you, I'm M.A.T.U.R.E. And both of you, if you happen to read this ever, this blog was hacked and written by an alien. Really.

So thats all for today. See you tomorrow. Hopefully with a longer and more insightful philosophical inspirational interesting topic.
T out!

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

A for.. April, Architecture & Awesomeness!

Hello. So if we met for the first time today, I would tell you my name and the fact that I'm an Architect and also that I'm married. Yea, these three things define me as of now.
I wouldn't tell you that I'm unique or one of a kind. I'm just, you know, ordinary. My story is, mostly, ordinary. I haven't won many awards or appeared on tv or been published much.
So yea, I'm pretty much ordinary.I'm a movie buff, soap opera addict and an ardent fan of the not-doing-anything-all-day cult.
Anyway, I've been quite busy lately, juggling work and home and fighting my innate talent to sleep all the time. I sometimes wonder if life would have been different had i just settled for a more relaxed major in college. If I hadnt got married when I did. If I had never met the people who had affected me in a certain way. If I had chosen things differently. Not in a regretful way ofcourse, mind you. More like a curious wonder of an insatiable mind. Ah. Big words.
Yes, introspection and retrospection come naturally to me. I am ofcourse one of those "creative, conked, artist types". I go through obsessed phases when i'm obsessed with something and i completely go crazy and my mind works totally uni-directionally. Like if i pick up a book, I just cannot stop reading it and if i have to, i just cant stop thinking about it. Continuously, throughout the day. And night. Like right now, I'm going through a TV shows phase. Like when you say April, all i can think of is this. The current shows that I'm following include doctors, vampires, werewolves, geeks,  and ofcourse Barney. But lets not even talk about HIMYM because I watched the finale on fast-forward today and was so horribly disappointed. Sigh.

Anyhoo, I'm glad I'm
writing and I'm glad you're reading, whoever you are, Stranger. Its nice to start talking again, in blog-land. I feel this is the beginning of good things and good times.