Friday, April 17, 2015

Harry Potter-ness!

I think the theme of this A to Z challenge has become 'My Favorite Things'. Because my favoritest book series in the world is Harry Potter. I started reading this series when I was 12 years old. 13 years and many many mannny books later, I still think they are the most awesome books ever to be written.

When I read a book, the world around me transforms and I become a part of the book. Maybe I have a vivid imagination and maybe that's not too good for the people around me because they always complain about me being too engrossed in the book. But I cant help it, its just the way it is. I live the book. Really.

So, yes, I think J.K.Rowling is a freaking genius. The books are such that every time I read the book, i notice something new that i missed last time, some little snippet of information that was hidden between the lines, such that when you finish the series and come back to it, you realize that it was there.

I think Harry Potter is more than a book, you know. Its like a way of life. Its something that always stays with you, no matter where you are, where you go.

Even though, you somewhat predict that it is after-all a good vs evil concept and in the end, Harry will win the fight, you still cant forget the fact that Fred and George will no longer be together, that Lupin will never raise his son, Dumbledore will never say random things to Harry again,oh the tragedies.
Even Snape turns out to be a good guy. Lol now that was something nobody could have thought !
My favorite quote from the whole series is that of dumbledore, "It is our choices that show us who we truly are, far more than our abilities". So so so true.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Grey's Anatomy.

Oh my god. It is my favoritest show ever. I know how people say 'Friends' is their favorite show ever. No, not me. I'm much more morbid that way.

Yeah, morbid. That is the one word I would describe the show as. And I love it for that. Its not a 'life always has a happy ending' kinda show but its more like 'shit happens' kinda show with a silver lining to it. Yeah, thats what I love about it. And Mcdreamy. Oh Mcdreamy and his mcdreaminess. I could look at that face forever. The way he looks when he's sad, he gives you those puppy dog eyes, oh god i melt every time.

So yes, its my favorite show ever and sometimes watching it makes me really really sad and I think about never seeing the show but I end up watching it all over again. Sigh. Why does it have to be so dramatic all the time?

So my most favorite season is Season One ofcourse which was hello, the best season ever. And part of season two. Till Denny dies. Then things go crazy for a while. But still, best show ever.

 Thanks Shonda.

P.S. 1. I dread the day they are going to cancel it. I think I'm going to cry harder than I cried in all the Eleven seasons all-together, which I must say is a lot.

P.S. 2. Just LOOK at that face. (On the right)


So since I'm trying to make up for lost time (started A to Z challenge again this year, couldn't keep up, etc etc), so I'm trying to write some posts today, fast and furious style. Haha. See what I did there. I just saw the movie last week and it was gooo-ooood.

Anyway, so I just could not for the life of me think about a topic for 'F' so I did what I always do when I'm in doubt. I googled it. So i said to myself, when I type 'F' in the search bar, whatever is the first suggestion, I'll write about that. As luck would have it, or as google would have it, Facebook was the first suggestion so here I am, writing about it.

I was one of the very first people in my circle to join Facebook back in 2007. We had just outgrown Orkut and it was the next best thing. I still think it is one of the best things and worst things to happen to our generation after 'Whatsapp'. Anyway, I know everybody has said enough and more about it, so I wont go into any further details.

I hardly use facebook anymore (no offence, Mark) but its just that I've outgrown it too. I dont have the patience to see and read whats happeneing in other people's lives. I'm just too much into myself right now. Wow that is such a selfish thing to say but hey, atleast I'm honest about it.

Now its only when I meet someone new and that person adds me as a friend, I get notified and I log on to accept/decline. Yes, i decline a lot. I'm no more into the whole 'Lets see how many friends I can make phase' of my life. Infact, recently I wanted to purge some people out of my list but after five minutes of scrolling realised that I've actually already filtered my friend list a long time ago and the only 700-something people that are on my friend list are the ones that I have known at one point or the other in my life. And that the sole purpose of facebook right now is that, if ever these 700-something people want to contact me somehow, then they can.

So yeah, facebook is still a thing, even if its only a once-a-month thing, its still a thing to talk about and as I just did, write about. Well done Mark. I dont care how many people criticize you, you and your friend have done a good job. Really.


According to wikipedia, Eternity in common parlance is either an infinite or an indeterminately long period of time. Which is by far the most boring sentence that I have ever begun a post with.

Anyway, I think Eternity is very subjective. Like I feel I've been alive for all of eternity. I mean, some on, can you honestly not remember years passing you by and every little detail coming back to you at some point or the other. What I mean is, deja-vu but in the real world. Like what if you were three and you had a weird ice-cream and you puked and then forgot about it up until you were twenty-three and you had that flavor again and it suddenly all came back to you. Wow. Wont it feel like an eternity away? Has that ever happened to you? Has it ? Has it? No? So, its only for weirdos like me who often talk to themselves. Fiiine.

I'm talking about this so randomly because recently I feel like all the phases of my life feel like they were an eternity away. Ok maybe early childhood and high-school time were a long ago, but other things, no, they werent so far away. But it defintely seems that way to me.

I feel like I'm still trying to search for who I am and who I want to be. It seems an eternity ago, that I had figured it all out. Then life just you know, happened. And God pressed the reset button. Only, this time, all the factory settings weren't restored. Some technical glitches remain. If you've ever owned a smartphone, you know what I'm talking about. I feel like there is an eternity ahead of me and an eternity behind me, but right now, its only the sand that I'm holding on to. And by sand, I mean my insanity, which the more i try to hold on to, the more it slips away from me.

I think this blog is becoming much more emotional and philosophical that it was meant to be. But then, we have an eternity to find that out, dont we?


Oh My God. These A to Z challenge people are definitely on a roll this time. Fiiiine. I needed that Arlee, I did.

You know how humans are naturally susceptible to identifying danger? Yeah, I think thats because we are all, a little bit in want of "impetus", as my friend pointed out the other day.

 Me, being all intrigued by the word, googled it ofcourse. So, it means 'Something that inspires or motivates'.

I for one, am always in need of motivation. Especially the danger kind. Like I get my lazy bum to work only if its absolutely necessary and there is a danger of some harm be-felling me and/or people close to me.

Like when the co-host of the A to Z challenge threatened to take me off the list this year as a comment on my previous post, I started writing again. Such is the need for 'impetus'.

Anyway, the reason I have been out of action here, is because I've been pretty busy otherwise. I organized two parties last week by myself, which is saying a lot because as mentioned before, the lazy-bumness.

So anyway, I'm back thereby ending the danger of this blog being cut-off the list. Calm down, Arlee. Calm down. *heheheheh*

Friday, April 03, 2015

Cry Baby :'(

You know how people say they get emotional and sentimental, well I'm that multiplied by a thousand. I cry at the drop of not just the hat, but even the hand touching the hat. Okay that didnt make any sense.

What I mean is, its a pretty embarrassing thing for me, that whenever I feel any kind of heightened emotion say grief, anger, happiness.. I start tearing up.

I cant help it. If I, so much as see someone crying, I start crying myself. Its not a pretense or a habit, its just very very emotional for me. I get touched very easily.

Whether reading a novel, watching a movie or even thinking about sad stuff. But then its not like a bawl out my eyes and stuff or scream at the top of my voice. Its just i guess I am what is called "over-sensitive".

Do you get emotional? I know some of you will dismiss this post as being pointless but that exactly is my point. Get it?
People say its good to cry, let your inner demons out in the open. I guess they are right. I'd rather be emotional and a cry-baby than not feel at all.

Boo Hoo!

Second day and missed it. So much for trying everyday.

Anyway, how was your day? Like really, how was it? My started like crap because I didnt wake up on time for my morning walk. Did i mention i'm the laziest creature on the planet? And getting up in the morning is the hardest thing to do, especially early. But no, this isnt working, *shakes head furiously*, wont miss it tomorrow, promise! :P

Anyway, we were talking about your day. If you're reading this, seriously, tell me about your day. Was it good? Was it *bats eyelashes* fulfilling? Because mine wasnt!! Aargh. Its annoying to watch time pass you by and then getting irritated because you let it. Fiiiine. I'll be more productive. Like I'm going to finish today's blog and yesterday's as well. And I'm finally going to finish designing the piece of furniture thats boring the hell out of me. Don't look at me like that. I know I have to do it whether I like it or not. God, the number of things I could add to that list. Okay as I said, I'll behave.


Its a stupid thing, growing up. I recommend nobody does it. Boo-Hoo.

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

A New.. Beginning...

New Beginnings.
Thats what the letter 'A' signifies to me. The beginning of the alphabet, the beginning of a series, my husband, just everything new.

So, last year i tried, unsuccessfully to start blogging again. And i started with the April challenge. There was no way I was gonna do it again but then i checked Sayesha's blog after months and there it was again, The April challenge, so here I am again, with a fresh new approach, with new hope and with new enthusiasm. Lets do this thing, yo!

A also stands for my profession. I'm an Architect and we recently moved into our new house which my husband (also an architect) and I designed. He did the majority architectural part before we met and i came in at the interiors' stage.So, I might be talking about that a lot. This was my biggest project after graduation and I'm pretty happy about it. Yeay.

On another note, I think I'm good at getting started but being consistent till the end is what is hard to do. Lets hope this try will be successful and we get to know some new people as well as some new stories. 

Also,I recently went through a lot of dark stuff and then finally things have started to look good now. So that's why maybe I'm so desperate for a new beginning.

Lol. I see how many different directions this post is going. Maybe I've forgotten how to write. It has been years now that I've stopped blogging but can you really forget something that makes you so happy?

So here's to a new beginning and all the best to all participants! Cheers!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

I Must be Crazy.

Yes, I'm trying again. Even I cant believe it.

This time I'm entry no. 1562 :)