Friday, April 03, 2015

Boo Hoo!

Second day and missed it. So much for trying everyday.

Anyway, how was your day? Like really, how was it? My started like crap because I didnt wake up on time for my morning walk. Did i mention i'm the laziest creature on the planet? And getting up in the morning is the hardest thing to do, especially early. But no, this isnt working, *shakes head furiously*, wont miss it tomorrow, promise! :P

Anyway, we were talking about your day. If you're reading this, seriously, tell me about your day. Was it good? Was it *bats eyelashes* fulfilling? Because mine wasnt!! Aargh. Its annoying to watch time pass you by and then getting irritated because you let it. Fiiiine. I'll be more productive. Like I'm going to finish today's blog and yesterday's as well. And I'm finally going to finish designing the piece of furniture thats boring the hell out of me. Don't look at me like that. I know I have to do it whether I like it or not. God, the number of things I could add to that list. Okay as I said, I'll behave.


Its a stupid thing, growing up. I recommend nobody does it. Boo-Hoo.

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