Friday, April 17, 2015

Harry Potter-ness!

I think the theme of this A to Z challenge has become 'My Favorite Things'. Because my favoritest book series in the world is Harry Potter. I started reading this series when I was 12 years old. 13 years and many many mannny books later, I still think they are the most awesome books ever to be written.

When I read a book, the world around me transforms and I become a part of the book. Maybe I have a vivid imagination and maybe that's not too good for the people around me because they always complain about me being too engrossed in the book. But I cant help it, its just the way it is. I live the book. Really.

So, yes, I think J.K.Rowling is a freaking genius. The books are such that every time I read the book, i notice something new that i missed last time, some little snippet of information that was hidden between the lines, such that when you finish the series and come back to it, you realize that it was there.

I think Harry Potter is more than a book, you know. Its like a way of life. Its something that always stays with you, no matter where you are, where you go.

Even though, you somewhat predict that it is after-all a good vs evil concept and in the end, Harry will win the fight, you still cant forget the fact that Fred and George will no longer be together, that Lupin will never raise his son, Dumbledore will never say random things to Harry again,oh the tragedies.
Even Snape turns out to be a good guy. Lol now that was something nobody could have thought !
My favorite quote from the whole series is that of dumbledore, "It is our choices that show us who we truly are, far more than our abilities". So so so true.


John Holton said...

Hi Tejal,

How are you coming along with getting the entries done through the rest of the A to Z Challenge? Please let me know.

John Holton
2015 A to Z Challenge Cohost
The Sound of One Hand Typing

Tara Tyler said...

great HP quotes and post - such an instant classic! i love it too!

happy a to z-ing!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Sorry to see you've fallen behind on the A to Z. I hope you'll try again next year. It's a real challenge.