Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Grey's Anatomy.

Oh my god. It is my favoritest show ever. I know how people say 'Friends' is their favorite show ever. No, not me. I'm much more morbid that way.

Yeah, morbid. That is the one word I would describe the show as. And I love it for that. Its not a 'life always has a happy ending' kinda show but its more like 'shit happens' kinda show with a silver lining to it. Yeah, thats what I love about it. And Mcdreamy. Oh Mcdreamy and his mcdreaminess. I could look at that face forever. The way he looks when he's sad, he gives you those puppy dog eyes, oh god i melt every time.

So yes, its my favorite show ever and sometimes watching it makes me really really sad and I think about never seeing the show but I end up watching it all over again. Sigh. Why does it have to be so dramatic all the time?

So my most favorite season is Season One ofcourse which was hello, the best season ever. And part of season two. Till Denny dies. Then things go crazy for a while. But still, best show ever.

 Thanks Shonda.

P.S. 1. I dread the day they are going to cancel it. I think I'm going to cry harder than I cried in all the Eleven seasons all-together, which I must say is a lot.

P.S. 2. Just LOOK at that face. (On the right)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a big fan of Grey's Anatomy, too. I missed a few seasons (i.e. when George and Callie were married and so forth) and then came back. I'm a big fan of the characters, too, like Bailey and McDreamy. I think the show has been successful in weaving the doctor characters in and out each season. Hope you're enjoying the A to Z Challenge.